Hospice and Palliative Care
A multidisciplinary approach to end of life care.
Our Philosophy ​​
To provide each patient and their family with the highest level of care towards the end of their lives. Our team treats each patient with respect, empathy, and love. We have a highly qualified and skilled team.
We Understand how difficult it can be to care for your loved ones at the end of their lives. Our mission is to provide our patients and their families with care, guidance, and love so they can enjoy the highest quality of life possible and be surrounded by their family and friends during their last moments as they pass with peace and dignity.
Our Mission ​​
Executive Director- Gina Johnson
Assistant Executive Director- Betty Higgs
Medical Director- Panchshil Patel
Director of Finance and HR- Kalpesh Patel
Administrative Assistant- Ardonyalasha Johnson
Medical Social Worker
Certified Nursing Assistances
Spiritual Supporters
Our Staff​​